Auf 95 Metern Länge bietet der Dacharbeitsstand der Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik den Wartungsteams der DB Regio AG in Stuttgart ein Plus an Effizienz und Arbeitssicherheit. | © MUNK GmbH Auf 95 Metern Länge bietet der Dacharbeitsstand der Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik den Wartungsteams der DB Regio AG in Stuttgart ein Plus an Effizienz und Arbeitssicherheit. | © MUNK GmbH

Fixed roof work stand for DB Regio AG

Track clear for increased efficiency and occupational safety

Short standing and cycle times, optimised work processes and maximum occupational safety: In order to be able to meet all the requirements for the maintenance of its rail vehicles at the Stuttgart location in the best possible way, DB Regio AG relies on a customised, fixed roof work stand from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik, which can be flexibly adapted to different types of trains. On the 95 m long platforms on both sides, which can be extended to a width of 1.71 m, several maintenance teams can work simultaneously at different points on the train. Inspection and repair work can be carried out quickly and as safely as never before with the roof work stand.

Before the new investment, in which Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik once again convinced with its expertise as an experienced system and project planner, DB Regio AG had worked in its maintenance workshop in Stuttgart with a mobile six-metre-long platform that had to be moved to the respective location for each new operation. "With the new roof work stand from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik, the time-consuming movement of the working platform is finally a thing of the past. The trains are now freely accessible over the entire length of the vehicle and our technicians can even work in different places at the same time. This not only increases efficiency, but also saves us time and money in everyday maintenance. Because the set-up and cycle times are reduced enormously as a result," says Mathias Schulz, Deputy Head of Maintenance Workshop Stuttgart at DB Regio AG.

That's why Mathias Schulz and his team are so enthusiastic about the special design from Günzburg: the trains can drive directly into the roof workstation and, depending on the train type and length, the work surface can be flexibly adapted to the respective requirements via cross railings. Since the extendable working platforms dock with a zero gap dimension, the result is a closed working surface. The train is released to enter via a light signal system, so that the complete system guarantees the operating and maintenance personnel maximum working safety for all tasks.

As a rule, DB Regio AG in Stuttgart has up to four men working at the same time in one of the approximately six-square-metre maintenance segments - to maintain, repair or replace air-conditioning systems, current collectors and traction motor fans on the wagon roof, for example. In two-shift operation, the technicians thus manage the maintenance of up to two rail vehicles per day - depending on the work to be done and without the need for time-consuming moving of the working platforms. In Stuttgart, DB Regio AG mainly inspects BR 3442 trains, but the new roof work stand can also be used for ET 425 and ET 426 series.

Project management: everything from a single partner

DB Regio AG specifically chose Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik as its project partner for the maintenance project, because the specialist for individual solutions developed a customised overall concept and planned the complete system with a wide variety of facets. "Stuttgart has once again shown: good project planning is already half the access technology solution. As an innovation and technology leader, it is a matter of course for us to offer solutions from a single source. Our customers appreciate our planning and consulting expertise, on-site support throughout the entire project and, of course, our comprehensive after-sales service," says Ferdinand Munk, owner and managing director of the Munk Group.  

Thus, in addition to developing and customising the roof work stand for DB Regio AG, the Bavarian quality manufacturer also integrated the complete steel structure and two crane systems from Abus into the project. One crane can be moved freely over the roof work stand from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik and can be used to transport parts, components and tools with a load of up to 500 kilos. The 3.2-tonne crane system is located in front of the maintenance tracks.

This means that the DB Regio AG technicians are able to cope with all maintenance jobs, while maintaining the highest level of safety. They have safe access to the working platforms via two stairways, and there is also an emergency ladder in the middle of the structure. To minimise the risk of falling, Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik has implemented a sophisticated railing concept - a combination of rigid and flexible railings that can be individually adapted to the respective maintenance conditions as well as train types. The aluminium platform covering with a slip resistance of the R11 rating group, the monitoring system with indicator lamps and the contour adaptation to different types of train with zero gap dimension are also supporting pillars in the work safety concept.

The necessary flexibility is provided by platforms on both sides of the roof work stand, which can be mechanically varied in width by 350 mm each and thus adapted exactly to the contours of locomotives, railcars and wagons. "The roof work stand can be docked to the outer skin with millimetre precision, completely independent of the shape of the vehicles. The gap dimension is thus close to zero, which ensures maximum working safety. Tools can also no longer fall down," explains Munk.

Maximum safety through platform monitoring

Another advantage of the new system: the mechanical platform extension is controlled with the help of a separate monitoring unit with light signal system. Only when all control lamps light up green, signalling that the platforms have retracted, may a vehicle movement take place. The platform cut-outs for the steel structure were chosen in such a way that no dangerous gaps are created during widening.

During the implementation of the project, the time factor was a major challenge for Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik, as the customised roof work stand for DB Regio AG had to be realised in less than four months. "Here, our many years of experience in the field of project development of maintenance facilities for rail vehicles came in handy, so we were also able to plan, manufacture and finally assemble this order within the desired timeframe. In Stuttgart, we were once again able to prove ourselves as a complete supplier of access equipment solutions. I am very pleased with the positive response from DB Regio AG. We are among the best of the best and top innovators in the German SME sector for good reason," says Ferdinand Munk.

The DB Regio AG roof work stand


The custom-made roof work stand of DB Regio AG consists of two work platforms that are connected to each other via a stable steel substructure in post-and-beam construction. The total length of the facility is 95 m, the height around 3.60 m. The ascent to the wider platform (1,360 mm plus 350 mm widening) is via two stairways, with an additional emergency ladder available in the centre of the system. The narrower platform on the opposite side is 610 mm wide and can also be widened by 350 mm. The working surface can thus be increased mechanically via extensions and adapted individually so that the platforms can be docked to a wide variety of trolley profiles. All extensions are equipped with edge protection profiles. 

The ingenious railing concept of the roof work stand, which consists of a combination of rigid and flexible railings, ensures extra safety at work for the maintenance personnel. On the outside of the system, the railings are firmly anchored; on the inside, on the other hand, they are pluggable and can be lifted out of their anchorage and temporarily stored to the side if necessary. This gives the technicians temporary access to the roof everywhere.

As soon as a train has entered the roof work stand for maintenance, cross railings can be placed on the platforms to perfectly limit the working area. This makes sense, for example, when a shorter rail vehicle has to be maintained. The cross railings can also be docked to the end of the train with a zero gap dimension. At the front of the train, the roof platform can be limited with folding railings. These can be moved from the ground via cable winches.

The platform covering, which is made of aluminium chequer plate and has a slip resistance of the R11 rating group, also ensures maximum working safety.


The roof workstation is monitored with the help of a sophisticated control unit with red and green signal lamps. On the one hand, these indicate to the maintenance team whether the platforms have retracted. On the other hand, the signal lamps also tell the locomotive driver when the train is free to move out again. A test button allows to check whether all control lamps are working properly.